

SCOPE OF GEOMORPHOLOGY  The scope of geomorphology includes the study of natural and human-induced processes that shape the Earth's surface and the resulting landforms. It involves the investigation of landforms such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and coastlines, and the processes that form and shape them over time. Basically, this means that you will have to define what the study is going to cover and what it focusing on. Scope means in detail study of any subject.  The subject matter of geomorphology may be organized on the basis of                  (i) Dimension and scale of relief features (landforms)            (ii) Processes that shape the landforms           (iii) The approaches to the geomorphic studies.            On the basis of dimension and scale, the relief features of the earth's surface, the core subject matter of geomorphi...

Nature of Geomorphology/ भू-आकृति विज्ञान की प्रकृति all information

Nature of Geomorphology           Since the establishment of Geomorphology as a separate branch, the method of study of this subject has been changing, so the nature of this subject is also changing. The nature of Geomorphology divided in 9 parts.                           1. Observational Nature                           2. Descriptive Nature & Interpretative nature (Roman and Greek                                     Period)                           3. Dark age                             4. Dynamic Nature (Voyage & Discovery of new land              ...

Introduction to Geomorphology

Introduction to Geomorphology Meaning and nature  scope of Geomorphology,  Fundamental concepts in Geomorphology, Development of geomorphic thought Introduction Science of Geography has gained substantial of importance today. Beginning with exploration about the earth’s and its environment it was descriptive.  Modern Geography is the study of man’s surrounding and his relationship with them. It is concerned with the study of the surface of the earth, its natural features and its man-made features.  It investigates and correlates the phenomena of the earth.  It is therefore descriptive and analytical.  Geography studies the “what”, “where”, “why?” and “how” of things.           Physical Geography may be defined as the branch of Geography which deals with the distribution and origin of natural phenomena on the earth surface.          “Geomorphology” is a fundamental and significant branch of Physic...